who is barron hanson?
when you start a website, about yourself,
there are three fundamental questions you must ask:
1. who are are you?
2. what do you do?
3. how do you want to show up?
these questions reminded me of a quote I had pinned above my desk in high school:
“a master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. he hardly knows which is which. he simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. to himself, he always appears to be doing both.” ― l.p jacks
am i working or playing? you be the judge.
for me working and playing are inextricably linked. how i choose to live my life becomes my life's work. this has led me to follow an unconventional path and i’ve let go of some things:
what i “should” be doing.
looking at what everyone else is doing.
being someone i'm not.
caring what anyone thinks.
how my website "should" look.
instead i've given myself time and space to do the things i love, like:
bringing people together.
designing transformative experiences.
practicing and teaching vedic meditation.
making the world a better place.
creating films that matter.
being my individual expression of love.​

i'm slowly mastering the
art of living.
i teach meditation, i'm making a film about my hometown, i co-founded and advise a couple companies, i speak on podcasts and at events, i started a podcast, i mentor people and businesses, i am an authorised celebrant, i write books, i have a few special projects and i would love to work and play with you.